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Intimacy Issues

Physical intimacy and sexual expression are important components for individuals and couples.

When a person’s needs are met they can feel satisfied and fulfilled.

When a person experiences sexual dysfunction or their sexual needs are not met emotional distress, anxiety, depression and frustration can result.

CICC therapists specialize in helping people improve sexual satisfaction and intimate connection.

Interracial couple with dispute and marriage problems

Common Intimacy Issues

Sexual dysfunction can cause and be caused by mental health issues. Addressing those factors can lead to improved sexual performance and satisfaction.

Sexual desire, like most sexual dysfunction is a complex process combining the physical body and the brain.
Low sexual desire is a common struggle for men and women. Even when the physical body is in balance, desire and sex drive can be impacted by stress, anxiety and depression. Low desire is often something that can be addressed and improved upon. 

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a complex medical condition that has both physical and psychological causes.
An estimated 20% of ED is caused by psychological factors, and an even higher number of men will see benefits from working on relationship distress, performance anxiety and general mental health factors that contribute to this condition.

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Premature ejaculation (PE) is a distressing condition. While it lacks clear definition, many men will experience distress of not lasting long enough. There are multiple types of PE, some of them tending to be more physically driven while others are more clearly caused by psychological factors. Sex therapy can help extend ejaculatory latency through cognitive and behavior interventions.<br>
Learn more about Premature Ejaculation.

Not ejaculating during sexual activity can be distressing for men and their partners. It can also interfere with efforts to start or expand a family. Delayed ejaculation can be related to erectile dysfunction as well. Like ED, it is a complex process involving the physical body and the brain. There are many psychological factors that can contribute to it.

Sex is about way more than performance and in its ideal forms, should be physically and/or mentally pleasurable. A lack of sexual pleasure can impact both men and women. For people who have experienced sexual pleasure in the past but are no longer able to repeat that experience a deep sense of loss and frustration can occur. The experience of pleasure occurs in the brain and the way you think and feel can have significant impact on sexual pleasure.

Out of control sexual behaviors, sometimes referred to as sex addiction, can be individually distressing and can cause relationship problems. Out of control behaviors can include overreliance on pornography, self-stimulation and partnered activities. Unique and idiosyncratic behaviors do not necessarily mean that your behaviors are out of control. The frequency, duration, intensity and level of disruption to your general wellbeing should be taken into account.

No two people are alike. Every relationship has a partner with a more pronounced sex drive than the other. The position of high desire partner can change over the course of a relationship but the struggle of balancing each partners needs and wants will persist. Neither relationship position indicates a sexual dysfunction but the gap between partners can cause emotional distress and conflict.
These gaps can often be bridged with proper guidance and support. Beyond how often each partner wants to engage in sexual activity, the type of engagement and duration can vary as well. Couples can have a very connected relationship and struggle and fight intensely about sex. The vulnerability of trying to engage a partner and feeling rejected or the pressure to engage can strain even the best relationships.<br>
Learn more about Sex Therapy for Couples.

Commonly Asked Questions

Sexual intimacy issues are very common and impact both individuals and couples. The majority of people will encounter a sexual function or sexual relationship challenge over the lifespan.

It can be difficult to determine whether the cause of sexual dysfunction is physical or mental. Clients who are seen at CICC for sexual function issues see a physician prior to or early on in the therapy process. Often times there is a combination of factors and therapy can help you and your partner through them.

Sex therapy is an effective approach to resolving issues. Many sexual intimacy issues stem from psychological and relationship factors. A trained sex therapist can help you and your partner build a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship.

Not always. In many instances a partner may be asked to join therapy as needed. In some instances, couples sex therapy is the best way to approach and resolve issues. A trained therapist can help determine whether individual or couples therapy is indicated.