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Infidelity Recovery

Counseling after Infidelity

If you have discovered infidelity in your relationship and are torn about what to do next you are not alone. You are likely devastated. The violation of trust is painful and the thought of continuing in the relationship seems risky. On the other hand, the connection and life that you have built together is something that you want back.

Infidelity is among the most devastating and traumatic events that a relationship can encounter. The thoughts and feelings of loss of security, shame, embarrassment, anger and betrayal can be confusing and overwhelming. Both you and your partner may be trying to make sense of what has happened and determine if and how you can move forward. Many people impacted by an affair assume that they will need to separate and divorce or end their relationship.

The truth is that an estimated 75% of couples choose to stay together after the discovery of an affair. Whether the infidelity was emotional or physical, a one time occurrence or an ongoing affair, healing from the pain and repairing your relationship is possible with professional help.   The shock and pain of an affair is hard to describe in words.

The therapists at CICC have expertise in helping individuals and couples heal from the trauma of infidelity and find the best path forward to living a healthy, connected life.

Problems with relationship.

Therapy can help you to:

Process the feelings of anger, shame, guilt and embarrassment

Learn how to communicate with your partner

Understand what contributed to the affair

Set healthy boundaries and work to make your relationship stronger

Learn to identify and manage triggers of painful memories

Restore a sense of security and connection between you and your partner