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How to Recognize Anxiety and Early Signs of an Anxiety Attack

Recently, Taylor Swift released new music that received the honor of occupying all ten slots of the top ten songs in the country. There was something about this release that resonated with people nationwide.

One song that was especially popular has a lyric that goes “It’s me, hi, I’m the problem it’s me. At teatime, everybody agrees”.

Even the most confident among us can relate with that sentiment. We all have moments where we find ourselves in a conflict. We know what it is like to experience self-doubt. Is the person with whom I am angry really the one in the wrong? Or is it me?

Anxiety crops up in many ways. You may feel excluded by your friend group, and wonder if there is something really unlikeable about you.  No matter how solid your support system is, or how confident you are, you may experience thoughts like that at times.

Anxiety tends to make the worst-case scenario feel like the most plausible. People are wired for connection, and having a circle of friends is not just something that’s nice to have. It’s a vital part of overall wellness and our general feelings of wellbeing.

We need to feel connected to feel safe, secure, and cared for. This applies to your partner, your family, and broader social circle.


Experiencing anxiety is part of being human. When we’re anxious, we are a little more alert and in tune. We may notice small details and plan ahead.

This can be useful at times. For example, before an important job interview, you may feel edgy and keep checking your notes. The feeling of being nervous or anxious means your body realizes this is a big deal. That is a good sign! All our emotions have a purpose.

Anger lets us know if something feels dangerous or wrong. Calm lets us know we are safe and our environment feels positive.

Anxiety or nerves activates our system and lets us know that something feels high-stakes, and we may need more energy or attention.

The challenge occurs when we cannot “turn off” the feelings of anxiety. When the situation no longer calls for increased attention or energy, ideally, we would like to be able to wind down and relax. However, that can be harder than it sounds.

Here are some telltale signs that you may be experiencing anxiety:

  • You find yourself worrying often and are unable to “turn it off.”
  • Your worrying makes it hard to fall asleep or get basic tasks done.
  • You feel like you are stuck in a constant loop of worrying.

Does any of this sound familiar to you? If you’re ready to make a change; and feel more comfortable and confident in those areas, reach out to us here at the Center for Intimacy, Connection and Change. We are here for you.

 Schedule a free consult here, or contact me direct by emailing:  

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