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What Exactly Defines “Mental Health?”

Mental health is a term often tossed about in casual conversation. It is referenced on the news, movies, tv shows, and books. However, there is often a lack of clarity around what the term actually means.

Mental health is a general term the refers to several different factors. Mental health encompasses an individual’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It determines a person’s ability to navigate and maintain their daily tasks and relationships.

Mental health impacts the ability to assess beliefs, relate to other people, and make positive choices. It can also include awareness of emotions, how they are processed, and what their role should be. All of those factors contribute to how a person feels on a daily basis.

Often, the lack of clarity around what mental health is creates confusion when a person knows they are psychically fine, but internally they feel much different. They are not well. It is also dynamic. This means it can change as a person grows and moves through the stages of life.


Mental health needs to be tended to the same way a person cares for their psychical health. If an individual does not visit the dentist, eventually your teeth will suffer. As people move through different life transitions, they will inevitably experience negative emotions, disappointments, and letdowns.

In order to process in a positive way, people should develop the ability to check in with their mental state and make an assessment.

Once they learn to notice the factors that support their mental health – things like getting enough sleep, loving relationships, and a fulfilling career, they can also learn to adjust accordingly.

If someone is not aware of how different factors impact them, they may make choices that do not support their goals, which creates additional angst and frustration. There is a certain level of awareness which comes from having clarity around what constitutes a positive mental state for the individual. What is important to one person may not be as vital to another.


Mental and psychical health are closely connected. The thoughts and beliefs that a person uses to navigate their lives evoke different psychical reactions that impact their body. When a person is experiencing depression, it increases the risk of many different health problems. Alternatively, a chronic condition makes a person vulnerable to mental health challenges.


There are several ways a person can be proactive and maintain stable mental health. Self- acceptance, the ability to feel positive about one’s self is a key piece. A person needs to accept that they are not the same as others, and will have different needs, wants and abilities.

Exercising regularly, eating healthy food, and maintaining positive social connections are all proactive steps someone can do to create, protect and maintain positive mental health.


If you’re ready to make a change; and feel more comfortable and confident in those areas, reach out to us here at the Center for Intimacy, Connection and Change (CICC). We are here for you.

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